Castor’s Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCT) Platform
Built for researchers. Built for patients. Built to scale.
Castor’s suite of decentralized research tools is adaptable whether you’re just starting your journey into hybrid trials or you are ready to fully dive into decentralization.
Schedule demoFlexible tech for modern clinical trial needs
Castor offers decentralized clinical trial software that empowers you with unparalleled control. Each DCT module can be used alone or together, enabling you to plug-and-play with each tool, build a foundation of technology that can flex to meet your unique study needs, and scale at your own pace.
Simplifying clinical research for you and the patient
Build clinical trials that are more efficient and more engaging for your participants with automated recruitment and enrollment, a native ePRO app for simplified data collection, and an intuitive interface with built-in video capability.
High quality, centralized data collection that makes sense for you
With Castor, you can always feel empowered to design a DCT workflow that’s flexible and right for your trial, while never losing confidence in the strength of your data. Our open API gives customers the freedom to work with other platforms and data in their clinical trial ecosystem, integrating data from all sources and standardizing them for clinical relevance.
Success story
Launching a successful COVID-19 study with Castor’s DCT platform
World’s first study to use machine learning in diagnosis of COVID-19, supported by TAKEDA and Julius Clinical
“Using Castor, we succeeded in recruiting over 17,824 patients enrolled in 15 weeks during a global pandemic, an achievement that could not have been accomplished without tools purpose-built with decentralized trials in mind.”
Marcel Van Willigen
Julius Clinical
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Getting started
Key features
eRecruitment and pre-screening
Ensure eligibility, increase your reach to potential participants, and reduce site and participant burden with pre-screening surveys.
Hybrid eConsent for remote or on-site
Castor’s eConsent solution features built-in video conferencing, so you can provide a high-touch experience while minimizing the distance participants need to travel.
Native ePRO app and eCOA solution
Increase engagement by providing an enhanced experience for participants and reduce administrative burden by simplifying data collection.
Sensor & wearable integration
Collect real-time biometric data and other digital endpoints with Castor’s robust API and philosophy of interoperability.
EDC with seamless integration
Castor’s built-in EDC system makes it easier to deploy studies faster, capture real-world trial data, and integrate it seamlessly with other data in your ecosystem.
API and Interoperability
Minimize SDV procedures and data error while eliminating your need for duplicate documentation.
Delivering shorter build-times and seamless integration
Clinical trials succeed when data flows. That’s why we’re reengineering traditionally stodgy processes with a high barrier to entry with easy to use digital tools that accelerate the research process.
See how Castor is a Major Contender impacting the market in the Everest Group’s PEAK Matrix® of Decentralized Clinical Trials Products Assessment 2021.
Featured resource
Getting started with DCT in 2022
Transitioning to a DCT model can be an intimidating task to approach. Learn how to compartmentalize DCT technology into 3 approachable tiers and get started building an ecosystem for decentralized research at your own pace.