We’re dropping anchor in the Hub of Innovation
As CNS Summit celebrates its 15th anniversary, we’re excited to attend this year’s event in Boston. This is a special industry event because of its mission to impact patients by being a platform for driving positive change.
We’ll be at booth #403 for the few days, providing demos and showcasing our newest human-in-the loop AI capability.
Come and see Castor’s participant-facing technology in action. Schedule some time with one of our team members below for a more in-depth discussion.
Innovation Showcase Panel
Having won the AI Demo Award from CNS Summit 2023, this year, Derk Arts features on a panel with fellow past executive winners, for a moderated discussion on the innovations happening within clinical trials.
Tuesday, Nov 12th | 1:00pm EDT
Innovation Theater - Castor CoPilot
Practical AI: Creating a future without manual data re-entry.
Tuesday, Nov 12th | 2:20pm EDT
Our CEO, Derk Arts will demonstrate our newest human-in-the loop AI capability, Castor CoPilot. This AI assistant reduces the need for manual data (re-)entry and source data verification, cutting down the time spent on manual, repetitive tasks.
Interested in learning more? Book a meeting with the team today.
Book a meeting with our team at CNS Summit 2024
If you want to find out more about how Castor’s flexible tech can support your modern clinical trial needs, then be sure to schedule some time with our team between November 10 – 13.
Meet our team attending CNS Summit 2024
Connect with us on a diverse range of topics, including decentralized trials, real world evidence, ePRO, artificial intelligence, the patient journey and more. We love talking about it all!